Welcome! I am sure all of us happy and proud that you are an independent thinker! Life is short and rough and full of many choices, therefore don't rush into anything.
FARKEL's story belongs to thousands of JW children around the world. It may sound unbelievable to allow that much control over your own family, but it's true and it happens every day. If WACO, HEAVEN'S GATE, PEOPLE'S TEMPLE could happen, then anything is possible with religion.
Your husband is like many "new" men who begin their usual so-called "thoecratic" careers with the witnesses. He is impressed by their knowledge, their organized way of doing everything, their cleanliness, their authority. At first, all of these things seem so harmless and simple and safe in a world filled with bad news, however, pay careful and close attention to the individual demeanor and behavior of the people in your congregation. You will begin to subtly notice some very unusual things.
Watch how the "spiritual men" quietly organize and control all of the meeting programs. Watch how people answer questions directly from witness books, even when they paraphrase they only mimmick the material in the literature. See if anyone ever dares ask a question or make a comment that doesn't agree with the scripted program. And, if someone has that brand of courage, see if they are ever allowed to comment again and watch how they are treated by everyone, if they come back.
As you attend meetings and your weekly study, quietly notice the expressions and gestures of certain people, then ask yourself are they really bubbling with joy? Do they really look so happy?
When they are out in service, monitor their actions when they meet householders, and then decide for yourself whether or not witnesses have multiple personalities. Why does the manner of speech and words change inside and outside of the hall? When you visit their homes look around and see if things look so normal and well adjusted.
When you are studying with the couple or sisters, watch their expressions when you ask certain provoking questions and see if meet hesitation, secrecy, indifference and possibly opposition.
Look, these are not the worst people in the world, but like any organization made up of people, it contains flaws. In this case, the flaws are in the policies and teachings of the organization itself.
Ask yourself, does it is really sound loving or christian to impose rules and restrictions over people? If the bible is what you believe, aren't there already enough principles and guidelines in there to follow?
Is it really loving to control people and their behavior? Even if you could, would that behavior be voluntary or imposed? Is that the obedience and freedom that Jesus promised?
After 17 years and too many problems, I have numerous stories of my own which are similar, but all I can say, use your feminine intuition and be skeptical. Use the same research and skepticism that would when buying products or making major purchases and decisions.
After all, if its really the truth, it isn't going anywhere, right? So what's the hurry?
Your new friend!